
Wanita Group Picutre
Established in 1975, the first Chairperson of Wanita MCA was Tan Sri Datin Chow Poh Kheng who served for 10 years from 1975 to 1985; The second Chairperson, Datuk Teng Gaik Kwan (1985-1999), served for fourteen years; The third Chairperson, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen served for nine years (1999-2008) and the last government post she wielded was that of Tourism Minister; The fourth Chairperson Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun (2008-2010) served a term of one and a half years; while the fifth Chairperson was Datuk Yu Chok Tow (2010-2013); The sixth Chairperson was Datuk Heng Seai Kie who became the first Wanita MCA Chairperson to serve 9 complete years as per Article 40 of the party's Constitution from December 20, 2013 to December 19, 2022. The current and 7th Wanita MCA Chairperson is Datuk Wong You Fong.
1970s Early Formative Years
  • On June 14, 1975, Chow Poh Kheng , Chairperson of the Wanita MCA National Preparatory Committee, was elected as our country's first Chinese female Member of Parliament. In the late 1970s, she was appointed as Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Health, establishing the political status of Chinese women in Malaysia.
  • The Wanita MCA was officially established on August 7, 1975, on the same date as International Women's Year, laying the foundation for Chinese women in Malaysia to participate in politics.
  • On March 17, 1978, the Central Committee of the Wanita MCA approved the establishment of kindergartens in various states. From then on, the promotion and development of mother tongue and elementary education became one of the long-term goals of the Wanita MCA.
1980s Development Period
  • At the 1982 General Elections (GE), Wanita MCA won one federal seat and one state seat. Chow Poh Kheng was appointed as Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports. Women were thereby empowered further politically.
  • Wanita MCA launched the "New Life Movement Training Camp" to promote the "Women's Re-Training Movement" and inspire female comrades to cultivate new ideas and concepts through additional training.
  • Wanita MCA officially opened a self-owned four-storey building "Wanita MCA Diversified Home Economics Promotion Center" which fully launched activities, promoted handicrafts to rural areas. The women’s wing of MCA set up another center in Temerloh.
  • The recommendation of Datin Paduka Dr Tan Yee Kew as a representative of the National Economic Consultative Council symbolises that women also play an active role towards developing the economy.
  • The amendments fought by Wanita MCA to the Law Reform (Marriage & Divorce) Act 1976 were finally passed and came into effect on March 1, 1982. This boosted the confidence of Wanita MCA to continue to fight for women’s rights and interests in Parliamentary legislations.
1990s Synergy Decade
  • The promotion of the “Women’s Political Awareness Campaign” and “Party Membership Recruitment Movement” aimed to encourage women to participate in politics and gather greater organisational strength.
  • Through the launching of the “Five-Point Guidelines to a New Life for New Generation Women”, a comprehensive approach was undertaken to improve the status of women ie "Women and Culture", "Women and Family", "Women and Community", "Women and Country", "Women and Politics". More women were encouraged to strive to cultivate their own and diverse roles, and attain balanced development in all areas.
  • The establishment of a “Beliawanis Workshop” encouraged young adult females to contribute towards the nation and citizens.
  • The Institute of Childhood Education-Studies and Community Education (CECE) and Formative Education Scholarships Programmes were established to promote the early childhood education as a professional career, bring entrepreneurial opportunities to early childhood education, and assist professional women to work and start businesses with peace of mind.
  • To protect the legal rights of women, Wanita MCA persevered in fighting for amendments to many Acts and achieved positive results, namely by rectifying clauses unfavourable to women's rights and other amendments in the Distribution Act 1985, Women and Girls Protection Act 1973, Guardianship of Infants Act 1961, Section 727 of the Penal Code, proposed amendments to the provisions in Employment & Labour laws in 1987, and adoption of the Domestic Violence Act 1994. All of these have greatly enhanced the interests of Malaysian women.
2000s: Entering a New Era
  • At the beginning of a new century, the launching of the “Shopping Basket” campaign aimed to raise women’s concern and participation in politics; Advocating the philosophy of “the responsibility of the individual is to bring harmony to the family, order to the country and peace to the world,” women were encouraged to participate in national affairs.
  • From 2000 to 2004, the Wanita MCA organised a number of social awareness campaigns, such as: “Say No to Ecstasy Rally” to alert people to stay away from narcotics, “Thanks to Teachers” to promote the spirit of respecting teachers, and “Anti-Violence Campaign” to raise awareness of among regarding anti-violence and the "Tip of the Iceberg Project" to raise awareness and compassion regarding AIDS; In cooperation with Wanita Barisan Nasional and community-based women’s organisations, Wanita MCA successfully fought for amendments to legal provisions on the custody of minor children, as well as Article 8(2) in the Federal Constitution (Amendment) Act 2001, whereby the word “gender” was inserted into the original clause to ensure that there would be no discrimination against women on the grounds of gender.
  • From 2001 to 2002, Wanita MCA and the MCA Economic Bureau promoted the "Chinese Women's Economic Revitalisation Movement" which called on women to embrace the economic sector; We also assisted women to apply for the national micro-loan programme, and established a "Women Entrepreneur Award" to encourage women to start their own businesses.
  • The Centre of Early Childhood Education (CECE) shifted to a new building next to Tunku Abdul Rahman (TAR) College (now TAR University of Management and Technology) in August 2001. A nursey and kindergarten was also set up.
  • From 2001 to 2007, the Wanita MCA established contact with the Women's Group of the People's Action Party (PAP) of Singapore and many provincial and municipal women's federations in China to learn and exchange with each other.
  • In 2006, Wanita MCA carried out trainings on childcare, nanny, cooking and cookies making via its Diversified Home Economics Promotion Center which was later renamed as Wanita MCA Multi-Purpose Training Centre (MPTC) Lifelong Learning Centre. The Centre aims to empower women with technical and vocational training and business consulting to become financially independent; in conjunction with the Lifelong Learning Programme initiated by MCA, Wanita MCA complemented in the main body’s drive to promote loyalty, ethics, education, hoping to cultivate the next generation with loyalty, filial piety, love, etiquette, justice and integrity.
  • From 2006 to 2008, Wanita MCA set up "Colorful Care Centre" to assist single mothers to become self-reliant. It also mobilised the country to produce home-baked "Love Cookies" and presented them to single-parent families and orphans during the festive season to show love and care.
  • In 2008, Wanita MCA revised its by-laws, stipulating that representatives of women's groups at all levels must reserve at least one quota for party members under the age of 35 years to attract intellectual and professional young adult women to join.
2008 Transformation Period
After taking over as the fourth national Chairperson of Wanita MCA, Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun proposed a comprehensive concept of “Thinking Out of the Box, Towards an All-Rounded Position!”, and announced the 7 objectives and 5 plans for the future development of Wanita MCA.
  • The 7 Objectives:
    1. Extending its horizon and being leaders for the people

      The purpose of the establishment of Wanita MCA is to break all subjective restrictions, and provide a platform for women's political participation. Thus, Wanita MCA cannot always be confined to social welfare issues concerning women, children, families. Instead it must expand its areas of care to show a full range of leadership skills by overcoming all obstacles in order to smoothen its future path!

    2. Changes guided by policies and political professionalism

      Wanita MCA must have a distinct and principled stand in the face of major issues, in addition to women's issues. Wanita MCA must also actively participate in discussion of issues related to the people and national development, in order to permeate its principles through the people, to establish the image of humility instead of haughtiness, and to show the fearless, professional, political spirit of Wanita MCA.

    3. Synergetic and integrated organisational network

      In organisational development and personnel training, Wanita MCA must connect and integrate all levels of the organisation in order to achieve the goal of moving the public by “quantity” and to convince the public by “quality”.

    4. Friendly political environment to woo youths

      Through training, empowerment and providing an open platform to participate, Wanita MCA supports the many reform programmes of Beliawanis, for youths to lead youths.

    5. Professionalism in its core mission for women

      Wanita MCA is committed towards assuming the responsibilities of helping women, children and families in need through professional training and practical personal service, reviewing the merits and demerits of policies, and to present to the government any amendments and improvements to legislations and regulations as well as governance programmes. This must be done to protect and carry out the sacred mission of protecting women, children and families in need in a professional and emotional and rational manner.

    6. Integration with the community and people-oriented

      As MCA’s source of life comes from the public, it must be people-oriented and expand the networks of the organisation. Therefore the establishment of the Women’s Community Networking Bureau in the capital city, dedicated to promoting community humanities programmes and activities, will allow our fellow sisters to walk with the masses and be part of the community!

    7. Cultivating a healthy political culture

      Wanita MCA pursues and implements the democratic rule of law, and will continue to implement the “cultivation of a healthy political culture.”

  • The 5 Plans:
    1. Professionalism in politics and actively responding towards national issues and government policies

      Wanita MCA established the Political Strategic Bureau towards instilling professionalism in politics and adopting an active and responsive role in national issues and government policy, aiming to be “fine, accurate and fast!”

    2. The establishment of the Women's Business Development Center

      To establish the Women's Business Development Center, and to incorporate the MPTC Life Long Learning Centre to Lifelong Learning & Economic Development Centre (formerly known as "Diversified Domestic Home Economics Promotion Center") to provide professional vocational training.

    3. Recruitment and nurturing of youths

      To train future leaders, and to cultivate future pillars of society with a sense of mission, Wanita MCA will emphasise on the participation of young people, and thus provide a friendly environment for their political participation.

    4. Promotion of Political Education for Wanita Members

      The formation of a Political Education Bureau to complement the efforts of the Party’s School of Politics in providing systematic political and public administrative education to all levels of members, while recruiting and training women members with excellent public speaking and writing skills to form a team of women elites to scrutinise political issues.

    5. Setting up of 31 Women and Children Aid units

      Wanita MCA will set up 31 Women and Children Aid units in various states as part of the professionalisation of Wanita MCA’s core tasks, in order to carry out the systematic training of hundreds of volunteer counsellors, and to provide regular advice and assistance to underprivileged women and children. It also provides services and organises talks and seminars to collect information and data on the relevant areas of the government with the view to promote reforms and improvement.

Wanita MCA's Missions
  1. To carry out the objectives of the MCA as laid down in the MCA Constitution.
  2. To lead women to be more active in participation of politics and help in nation building.
  3. To uplift women’s status and fulfill gender equality.